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Cheap Bus Tickets from Rabat to Chefchaouen Online Booking

Discover your travel route on web, mobile or app and book cheap bus ticket from Rabat to Chefchaouen online now.

Save time and money and book cheap bus from Rabat to Chefchaouen online now and travel Rabat to Chefchaouen by road. Chefchaouen is a little city in the Rif Mountains in the Morocco north-west.  It is such a famous town in Morocco that is generally considered one of the top locations to visit in the country. You can visit Chefchaouen by booking a cheap bus tickets from Rabat to Chefchaouen online now.

Bus from Rabat to Chefchaouen Bus Tickets Booking, Routes, Schedules & Fares FAQs

Is the Rabat to Chefchaouen bus the affordable way to get to Chefchaouen?

The affordable way to get from Rabat to Chefchaouen by bus. Rabat to Chefchaouen bus fare $8 – $15 and takes 5h 25m.

Is there a direct bus from Rabat to Chefchaouen airport?

Yes, there is a direct buses from Rabat to Chefchaouen. Services depart once daily, and run every day. The journey takes about 5h 25m.

What is the travel distance of Rabat and Chefchaouen by bus?

The travel distance of Chefchaouen and Rabat by bus is 193 km.

Where do I take the bus Rabat to Chefchaouen from?

Cheap bus tickets from Rabat to Chefchaouen services, bus Rabat to Chefchaouen supratours.

What is the driving distance of Rabat and Chefchaouen?

Yes, the distance of driving between Rabat to Chefchaouen by road is 245km. It takes about 3h 46 m to drive from Rabat to Chefchaouen.

Bus Tickets from Rabat to Chefchaouen Tips

Plaza Uta el-Hammam

Every city and town has its square, and Chefchaouen is no exception, this place boasts an ambiance which is a fusion between Spanish and Arab influences, seen full in the amazing food, both restaurants and food, accessible throughout. An amazing central point of the town, it can be remarkable for simply admiring and relaxing the wonderful mountains which overlook the city, and people watching in the towns center of activity.

Lina Riad and Spa

One day in Chefchaouen is just not enough, what with the waterfalls, mountains, and wonderful median, so why not gather one-must do in Morocco – an overnight stay in riad with another, the very old Moroccan hammam and go to the Lina Riad and Spa. Right in the center of the medina, the riad boasts spacious and bright rooms which look out onto the surrounding mountains and charming medina.

Rif Mountains

Best famous than the Atlas mountains, but just as charming, these peaks rise to 6500 feet above the Mediterranean and boasts some of the top hiking routes in Africa.

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