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Looking for cheap airline ticket from Mwanza to Bukoba or last minute deals?

Search, compare and book cheap airline ticket from Mwanza (MWZ) to Bukoba (BKZ) online now.

Book cheap flights from Mwanza to Bukoba online with for the best deals. Bukoba is town placed on the western shore of Victoria lake, belonging to the Kagera area of Tanzania. It is placed in the northwestern part of the country and holds the second biggest lake port of Tanzania. Compare prices and get the lowest airfare on airline ticket from Mwanza to Bukoba through great offers on Mwanza to Bukoba flights online ticket booking.

Cheap Flights from Mwanza to Bukoba FAQs

What is the distance between Bukoba and Mwanza?

The average distance from Mwanza to Bukoba is 175 kilometers. Your flight will departure from Mwanza, Tanzania and arrive on Bukoba.

How long are the Mwanza to Bukoba flights?

The average flight time between Bukoba and Mwanza is one hour.

How much is the fare for flight between Bukoba and Mwanza?

The average price for 1 way airfare from Mwanza to Bukoba is 86 USD for economy class.

How many Mwanza to Bukoba flights?

Around eight flights are flying daily from Mwanza to Bukoba. Some big airlines between these routes are Mesa airlines, Auric air, and Precision Air.

How much does a airline ticket from Mwanza to Bukoba cost?

Price depends on the month of departure? We suggest you to book the first and business class flight tickets in advance. Do not put the purchase of tickets economy class on the back burner. Book your cheap airline ticket from Mwanza to Bukoba 2-4 months in advance.

What is the best and affordable day to book air ticket from Mwanza to Bukoba?

The affordable flights are accessible on Wednesday and Thursday. The price is generally higher on weekends.

Mwanza to Bukoba Flights Tips

Bukoba is the seat of both Kagera area and Bukoba urban district, placed around 990 km northwest of Arusha city and 1400 km northwest of Dar es Salaam, the Tanzania capital.

Bukoba is famous for a white sandy beach, a tennis courts and swimming pool that are frequented by visitors year round.

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