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Looking for cheap airline ticket from Pemba Island to Zanzibar or last minute deals?

Search, compare and book cheap airline ticket from Pemba Island (PMA) to Zanzibar (ZNZ) online now.

Book cheap flights from Pemba Island to Zanzibar online and save money on airfare. Zanzibar is made up of two islands including Unguja and Pemba (also called as Zanzibar Island) as well as fifty pretty islands. Unguja Island is the more developed of the two islands and has the majority of Zanzibar’s population. You can visit Zanzibar Island through great offers on airline ticket from Pemba Island to Zanzibar with best price and fly Dar es Salaam to Kigoma flights cheap.

Here are some of the best attractions of Zanzibar

Two big reasons to visit is the amazing beaches and the history and culture of one of the rare functioning ancient towns – Stone Town. Stone Town is famous for its winding, noisy markets and maze like streets. Stone Town is a World Heritage place and since being named as such as received some much required focus.

Zanzibar’s beaches are famous for its wonderful white sand and hot azure waters. The islands are bordered by coral reefs full of marine like. This combined with amazing visibility make Zanzibar one of the most famous places for snorkellers and scuba divers. For those looking for sharks, Zanzibar is nirvana, as the coral reefs provide numerous places for many species including tiger, reef sharks and lemon sharks, white sharks hammerheads and the elusive whale shark.

Because Zanzibar is placed in the tropics the island is subject to some rather hot weather. From July Until October the level of humidity goes down and the temperatures hovers somewhere approximately 25 degrees Celsius. There is a quite bit of rain but it does not generally last long and the sun comes out within a few minutes.

Cheap Flights from Pemba Island to Zanzibar FAQs

What is the average flight time between Pemba Island and Zanzibar?

The average Pemba Island to Zanzibar flight time is 0 hour thirty minutes.

How many daily flights operate Pemba Island to Zanzibar?

There are daily 7 flights from Pemba Island to Zanzibar Island.

How many airlines offer airline ticket from Pemba Island to Zanzibar?

There are only one airline offer airline ticket from Pemba Island to Zanzibar is Auric Air.

Pemba Island to Zanzibar flights Tips

• Pemba Island is 78 miles from Zanzibar Island.

• There are seven daily flights from Pemba Island to Zanzibar Island.

• There are seven weekly Tanzania Pemba Island to Zanzibar flights.

• Seven non-stop flights are operating cheap flights from Pemba Island to Zanzibar.

• Auric Air has the most nonstop flights between Zanzibar Island and Pemba Island.

• Four direct flights are operating Pemba Island to Zanzibar flights.

• Auric Air has the most direct airline ticket from Pemba Island to Zanzibar.

• Tanga, Tanzania – Tang Airport is the most famous for one stop flights between Zanzibar Island and Pemba Island.
