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Cheap Bus Tickets from Kisumu to Kakamega Online Booking

Discover your travel route on web, mobile or app and book cheap bus ticket from Kisumu to Kakamega online now.

Compare and do cheap bus from Kisumu to Kakamega bus tickets booking online and travel Kisumu to Kakamega by road. Kakamega County is placed in the western area of Kenya. The County has 12 constituencies. The largest and capital town is Kakamega town. Here is the guide on how to book cheap bus tickets from Kisumu to Kakamega:

Bus from Kisumu to Kakamega Bus Tickets Booking, Routes, Schedules & Fares FAQs

Is the Kisumu to Kakamega bus the affordable way to get to Kakamega from Kisumu?

The affordable way to get from Kisumu to Kakamega by bus, bus tickets from Kisumu to Kakamega costs $4 – $7 and takes 45 min.

What is the quickest way to get from Kisumu to Kakamega?

The quickest way to get from Kisumu to Kakamega is to taxi which takes $30 and costs $50 – $100.

What is the travel distance of Kisumu to Kakamega?

The travel distance of bus Kisumu to Kakamega is 43 km.

How do I travel from Kisumu to Kakamega without a personal vehicle?

The top way to get from Kisumu to Kakamega without a personal vehicle is to taxi which takes 45 min and costs $100 – $140.

Can I drive from Kisumu to Kakamega?

Yes, the driving distance between Kakamega and Kisumu is 51km. it takes about 40 min to drive from Kisumu to Kakamega.

Where can I stay close to Kakamega?

There are 13+ hotels accessible in Kakamega. Price begins at $100 per night.

Bus Tickets from Kisumu to Kakamega Tips

Kakamega is home to 2 attractions: the crying stone of Kakamega national reserve and stone of llesi. The Kekamega national reserve is a forest and home to many mammals. It is said to be the just remnant of Kenya once great, hot rainforests that stretched across central Africa. One of the most the most famous sports in the Kakamega culture is bull-fighting. Bulls are taken out to fight each other and bull owner that wins gets a prize, such as trophies and money.
