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Kruger Safari Entièrement Hébergement

Not Rated

5 jours 4 nuits

Tour Type

Daily Tour

Group Size

12 people




Forfait Kruger Safari de 4 nuits, Afrique du Sud

La région de Mpumalanga est l'une des plus contrastées, bordée à l'ouest par l'escarpement imposant, avec des forêts indigènes luxuriantes, des ruisseaux cristallins et des chutes d'eau plongeantes, puis tombant dans le bushveld plat du Lowveld, qui abrite l'une des plus riches diversités de la faune. et la flore du monde. Des réserves privées bien connues et le célèbre parc national Kruger sont situés dans cette zone. Nous passons du temps, à la fois dans le parc national Kruger et dans notre propre réserve privée, qui n'est pas clôturée jusqu'au parc Kruger. Étant une propriété privée, nous avons la liberté d'effectuer des safaris en véhicule ouvert et des promenades nocturnes sur notre propriété.

L'une de nos visites incontournables les plus vendues!

Nous avons amélioré notre expérience d'observation du gibier dans la réserve privée de Balule et optimisons le temps de conduite du gibier dans la partie sud de Kruger pour offrir aux clients l'expérience ultime de la faune et de la route panoramique dans un ensemble compact.

Au départ de Johannesburg à 06h30, nous partons sur la route panoramique vers le nord-est du pays où nous rencontrons de beaux paysages naturels et de nombreux animaux sauvages dans des parcs naturels et des réserves de gibier.

Le déjeuner est pris dans la ville historique de Haenertsburg, située au bord de l'escarpement avec de belles vues environnantes. La route regorge de beautés pittoresques, des cols de montagne aux acacias éparpillés dans la brousse africaine.

Les deux nuits suivantes, nous nous installons confortablement dans notre Bush Lodge bien aménagé, situé dans une réserve privée du grand parc national Kruger, où les animaux se promènent librement et sans restriction. Cette réserve privée nous permet d'explorer la nature sauvage à la recherche d'une variété d'animaux dans des véhicules de safari ouverts, de jour comme de nuit.

Le lodge sous tente se fond avec désinvolture dans la brousse et offre des lits confortables et impeccables, des salles de bains privatives, une pataugeoire rafraîchissante et une vue imprenable sur la nature environnante, y compris un trou d'eau fréquenté par une variété d'animaux. Se coucher avec une symphonie de sons du règne animal.

Repas : D (déjeuner à vos frais)
Faits saillants/activité inclus :
• Route panoramique jusqu'à la région du Lowveld
• Hébergement dans une réserve de gibier privée

Après une nuit de repos paisible, nous commençons par un petit-déjeuner léger pour les lève-tôt composé de café frais et de biscottes (un biscuit sud-africain traditionnel), avant de nous lancer dans notre expérience matinale dans cette zone des Big 5.

Guidés par un guide/Ranger qualifié, nous explorons la nature sauvage, avec des sens aiguisés, toujours à l'affût d'une rencontre avec un animal tout en découvrant les petits trésors souvent cachés aux yeux.
Avant que la chaleur de la journée ne s'installe, nous retournons au lodge pour un délicieux brunch, après quoi il est temps de se détendre autour du lodge et de profiter de la sérénité de la nature sauvage environnante. Un point d'eau à proximité devant le camp attire une faune variée qui vient se désaltérer, affichant l'ordre hiérarchique si présent. Détendez-vous avec une boisson rafraîchissante et observez le gibier depuis la piscine ou depuis votre terrasse.

La chaleur diminuant en fin d'après-midi, un safari ouvert s'impose, qui se transforme en un long trajet nocturne à la recherche d'animaux nocturnes.
À l'approche du crépuscule, nous nous arrêtons et prenons un verre ou deux au coucher du soleil, tout en regardant le magnifique coucher de soleil sur la brousse africaine.

Repas : Brunch Dîner
Faits saillants/activité inclus :
• Réserve privée exclusive
• Expérience guidée le matin et l'après-midi dans la région des Big 5

Se levant avec le soleil africain, un copieux petit-déjeuner est servi, avant de partir à la découverte des points forts de la route panoramique, célèbre pour ses nombreuses merveilles naturelles et points de vue. Le premier arrêt sera de voir l'impressionnant Blyde River Canyon - le plus grand "canyon vert" du monde, puis les Bourke's Luck Potholes où de l'or abondant a été trouvé et enfin l'époustouflante God's Window. (Le temps le permet)
Un déjeuner à vos frais est apprécié, ce qui donne aux clients l'occasion de rencontrer les habitants.

En milieu d'après-midi, nous nous dirigeons vers le paisible Greenfire Lodge Hazyview, une cabane en rondins construite de façon spectaculaire sur pilotis dans la forêt indigène sur les rives de l'impressionnante rivière Sabie ou rivière "Fearful" comme surnommée par les habitants.
Si le temps le permet, vous pourrez faire une promenade dans la nature sur la propriété et la ferme de café attenante et profiter de la mystérieuse forêt. Nous passons deux nuits ici.

Repas : BD (déjeuner à vos frais)
Faits saillants/activité inclus :
• Itinéraire panoramique
• La fenêtre de Dieu
• Nids de poule de la chance de Bourke
• 3 Rondavelles

En nous réveillant avec les oiseaux, nous quittons le lodge au lever du soleil et parcourons une courte distance pour entrer dans une autre zone du parc national Kruger pour une journée complète d'observation du gibier.

Conduisant lentement à travers ce parc national emblématique de la taille d'Israël ou du Pays de Galles, nous recherchons les nombreux animaux qui habitent cette région.
Depuis le point de vue élevé et le confort de notre véhicule bien équipé, notre guide expert prendra le temps d'expliquer le comportement des nombreux animaux que nous voyons dans cet environnement fascinant.
La majeure partie de la journée sera consacrée à l'observation du gibier, tout en s'arrêtant à divers sites désignés pour se dégourdir les jambes et pour profiter d'un déjeuner à vos frais dans l'un des camps de repos du parc.
En fin d'après-midi, nous quittons le parc et retournons dans le confort de notre Greenfire Lodge Hazyview.

Repas : collations pour le petit-déjeuner à emporter, dîner
Faits saillants/activité inclus :
• Section sud du parc national Kruger
• un safari d'une journée complète

Après un petit-déjeuner détendu, nous quittons Hazyview et retournons à Johannesburg en empruntant la route tracée à l'origine par les premiers chercheurs d'or. La visite se terminera en fin d'après-midi, à l'arrivée à l'hôtel de Johannesburg ou à l'aéroport OR Tambo.

Repas : B (déjeuner à vos frais)
Faits saillants/activité inclus :
– Route panoramique


Remarque : nous proposons des visites guidées en allemand pour le circuit Kruger de 5 jours aux dates de départ suivantes :

En 2022
27 mars 2022
24 avril 2022
22 mai 2022
19 juin 2022
17 juil. 2022
14 août 2022
11 sept. 2022
09 octobre 2022


Date de début Date de fin
31/07/2022 04/08/2022
14/08/2022 18/08/2022
21/08/2022 25/08/2022
28/08/2022 01/09/2022
04/09/2022 08/09/2022
11/09/2022 15/09/2022
18/09/2022 22/09/2022
25/09/2022 29/09/2022
02/10/2022 06/10/2022
09/10/2022 13/10/2022
16/10/2022 20/10/2022
23/10/2022 27/10/2022
30/10/2022 03/11/2022
06/11/2022 10/11/2022
13/11/2022 17/11/2022
20/11/2022 24/11/2022
27/11/2022 01/12/2022
04/12/2022 08/12/2022
11/12/2022 15/12/2022
18/12/2022 22/12/2022
01/01/2023 05/01/2023
08/01/2023 12/01/2023
15/01/2023 19/01/2023
22/01/2023 26/01/2023
29/01/2023 02/02/2023
05/02/2023 09/02/2023
12/02/2023 16/02/2023
19/02/2023 23/02/2023
26/02/2023 02/03/2023
05/03/2023 09/03/2023
12/03/2023 16/03/2023
19/03/2023 23/03/2023
26/03/2023 30/03/2023
02/04/2023 06/04/2023
09/04/2023 13/04/2023
16/04/2023 20/04/2023
23/04/2023 27/04/2023
30/04/2023 04/05/2023
07/05/2023 11/05/2023
14/05/2023 18/05/2023
21/05/2023 25/05/2023
28/05/2023 01/06/2023
04/06/2023 08/06/2023
11/06/2023 15/06/2023
18/06/2023 22/06/2023
25/06/2023 29/06/2023
02/07/2023 06/07/2023
09/07/2023 13/07/2023
16/07/2023 20/07/2023
23/07/2023 27/07/2023
30/07/2023 03/08/2023
06/08/2023 10/08/2023
13/08/2023 17/08/2023
20/08/2023 24/08/2023
27/08/2023 31/08/2023
03/09/2023 07/09/2023
10/09/2023 14/09/2023
17/09/2023 21/09/2023
24/09/2023 28/09/2023
01/10/2023 05/10/2023
08/10/2023 12/10/2023
15/10/2023 19/10/2023
22/10/2023 26/10/2023
29/10/2023 02/11/2023
05/11/2023 09/11/2023
12/11/2023 16/11/2023
19/11/2023 23/11/2023
26/11/2023 30/11/2023
03/12/2023 07/12/2023
10/12/2023 14/12/2023
17/12/2023 21/12/2023
24/12/2023 28/12/2023
31/12/2023 04/01/2024


  • Villes historiques
  • Réserve de chasse privée
  • Lodge de brousse exclusif
  • Exploration du jeu "Big Five"
  • Jeu de véhicule ouvert
  • Safari de nuit
  • Route panoramique
  • Canyon de la rivière Blyde
  • 3 rondelles
  • Nids de poule de la chance de Bourke
  • La fenêtre de Dieu
  • Parc national Kruger

Tour's Location


Une information important

TRAVEL DOCUMENTS Please ensure that you are in possession of valid travel documents for all the countries (South Africa) that you will visit. If you have any queries in this regard, please do not hesitate to contact us. Please ensure that you have proof of further travel arrangements if you do not have a South African passport, permanent residency permit, work permit or study permit. Although we will endeavor to assist, we do not accept any liability or obligation for your travel documents. Make sure that your passport has at least six months’ validity from your planned date of return to your home country. Make two photocopies of valuable documents such as your passport, tickets, Visas. Keep one copy with you in a separate place to the original and leave another copy with someone at home. Please note that all guests travelling to South Africa will require two blank facing pages in their passport. FOREIGN CURRENCY Upon arrival in any respective country we operate in, you will be able to find a Bureau de Change OR ATM Facilities at the airport or in the Town/City the tour is departing from. It is advised to bring any major world currency (US Dollar, Euro or British Pounds) in small denominations and not dated older than 2009. It is advised to get a small amount of local currency upon arrival just to get around until your tour starts. On Tour: Please be advised that our guides will inform and show you the best places to exchange any Major World Currency with the best possible exchange rates either before your tour starts or during the course of the tour. Our guides will brief you exactly on where to exchange and roughly how much you will need to exchange after discussing possible optional activities, own expense meals or possible curio stops. Drifters trucks have safe-keeping facilities for extra cash/flight tickets/passport. The preferred currency is as follows: • South Africa – ZAR; Rand Suggested amounts required: (Without use of credit card) • Rand : +- R 500 – R 700 Credit cards are generally accepted throughout South Africa but it is recommended that clients have a certain amount of cash to pay for personal expenses and possible gratuities. Areas where you shall be able to use your credit card are as follows: • Johannesburg for activities; food; accommodation and small extras • Shopping; At most large supermarkets INSURANCE It is compulsory that all passengers make arrangements for adequate travel insurance to financially safeguard against unforeseen circumstances. If you need further information please do not hesitate to contact us. Drifters do not accept responsibility for any loss, injury, damage, accident, fatality, delay or inconvenience experienced whilst on tour. You will be required to complete and sign a full indemnity prior to your tour departure. Your insurance should include all the countries and territories that your tour will pass through. You must ensure that you have sufficient cover for medical and evacuation costs, and should base this on advice from your insurer. A minimum benefit of USD 60 000.00 is recommended for evacuation from any area in which Drifters operates in Africa to South Africa, with further benefits for medical costs in South Africa, and for possible repatriation to your home country. Please note that you will be required to furnish details of your travel insurance to Drifters before you will be allowed to travel with us. Please ensure that these details are completely and accurately recorded in order to facilitate a claim should this be necessary. Before departure, clients will be required to enter into an agreement and indemnity pertaining to our booking conditions and general information. It is compulsory for clients to have their own comprehensive personal travel insurance that includes cover for (but not limited to) any medical emergencies as well as Covid 19 related cancellations or deviations prior or during the tour. HEALTH PRECAUTIONS & REQUIREMENTS The only necessary prophylaxis for Southern and East Africa is against Malaria, but on this tour there is no eminent danger as South Africa is regarded mostly as a Malaria free zone however prevention is better than cure, so we do advise to also use insect repellent on exposed areas after sunset. Please consult with your general practitioner regarding this. All Drifters guides have first aid boxes for use in emergencies, however we recommend that you bring along your own basic supply of medication, headache tablets etc. ***Personal medication Please bring along any personal medication that you might need on your tour as specific medication could be difficult to find or might not be obtainable in most places we visit. General medication for headaches, colds and fever are easy to get. Please also inform your guide of any medical conditions. This information will be received professionally and kept confidential.

Informations générales

ITINERARY DETOURS AND LIABILITY The tour itinerary, which the client acknowledges having been provided with, will, insofar as is possible, follow the published itinerary in the current Drifters’ brochure/website. Due, however, to the nature of the tours, the environment in which they take place and the distances covered, clients should expect delays, detours and changes to the itinerary. If, in the sole discretion of Drifters, it becomes necessary, either for safety or any other reason, to deviate from the published itinerary, an alternative will, where possible, be offered. Drifters reserves the right to offer alternative accommodation/venue and/or an activity/ies of a similar or higher standard at any stage during the tour, should the advertised accommodation/venue /activity/ies not be available for any reason. Drifters will under no circumstances be liable for any such deviation or resultant delay and clients will not become entitled to a refund either in full or in part or any other compensation as a result of any necessary detour, deviation from itinerary or delay. Before departure, clients will be required to enter into an agreement and indemnity pertaining to our booking conditions and general information. It is compulsory for clients to have their own comprehensive personal travel insurance that includes cover for (but not limited to) any medical emergencies as well as Covid 19 related cancellations or deviations prior or during the tour. PRICE INCLUSIONS/EXCLUSIONS The tour price includes transportation for the duration of the tour, accommodation, the required equipment (tents, cutlery, cooking utensils etc.), permits and entry fees, hire costs (boats etc.), professional guides, meals, tea, coffee and tap water, all in accordance with the published Drifters’ brochure. Anything additional to the above including, but not limited to, soft drinks, alcohol, bottled water, restaurant meals, activities listed as “optional” in the brochure and any items of a personal nature are for the client’s own expense. BOOKING PROCEDURE If you wish to make a reservation it is advisable first to contact your agent or DRIFTERS to ensure that there is still space available on the particular venture or tour. If so then complete the booking form and send it along with a 10% NON-REFUNDABLE deposit to confirm your reservation. IF THE FULL AMOUNT IS NOT PAID AS STIPULATED BY YOUR AGENT OR PRIOR TO DEPARTURE DATE OF SUCH TOUR/VENTURE, DRIFTERS may, at our own discretion and without notice, be entitled to regard the booking as cancelled and to re-book the vacancy. Late applicants may join tours/ventures on an accommodation available basis. INSURANCE AND MEDICAL Comprehensive adequate travel insurance is a compulsory condition of participation in the tour and is the responsibility of the client. The travel insurance must include but not be limited to the following benefits: – Personal accident cover including accidental death; – Emergency medical assistance including rescue expenses; – Emergency transportation or repatriation expenses; – Legal assistance; – Assistance with recovery or replacement of lost documents; – Emergency travel and accommodation arrangements; – Curtailment or cancellation of the tour. The suggested minimum cover for the above is USD$60 0000. Drifters will not be liable for any expense incurred in respect of any of the above eventualities. The client warrants (promises) that he/she/they is in a sufficiently good physical and mental condition to take part in the tour and activities associated with the tour, having regard to the client’s general state of health, fitness and medical requirements. The client warrants, agrees and accepts that in the event of any accident, illness, harm or injury arising from participating in the tour and any activity associated therewith: the client consents to receiving any medical treatment which may be deemed advisable by Drifters. In particular, but without imposing any obligation upon Drifters, the client hereby authorises Drifters or any authorised representative of Drifters to give permission, on the client’s behalf, should a situation arise whereby any emergency operation or medical treatment is required by him/her/them and to incur, on his/her/their behalf, all expenses arising therefrom, which the client undertakes to repay on demand; Drifters shall endeavour to procure the provision of the immediate treatment of the client and the evacuation/transfer of the client to the nearest available medical care centre/doctor, which medical care centre/doctor may be remote, and the client acknowledges that whilst awaiting and during evacuation, medical assistance may be limited or non-existent. LEAVING THE TOUR Should a client decide to curtail a tour for any reason whatsoever, no refund will become payable and the client shall be solely responsible for arranging and paying for all travel and other costs associated therewith, the client acknowledging that Drifters would in all likelihood be obliged to continue with the tour for the benefit of its other clients participating in the tour. PARTICIPATION The assistance of clients in the daily activities forming part of the tour is essential. Clients will be expected to assist with the preparation of meals, setting up and taking down of camp (camping tours) and with other necessary daily chores. Clients will further be expected to adhere to the hygiene guidelines and requirements as specified by their guide. Participation in, and involvement of this nature will greatly enhance the degree of satisfaction and enjoyment clients derive from the tour. GROUP SIZE AND AGE Our group size usually numbers between 4 and 18 clients. By travelling in small groups, it means that we don’t invade wilderness areas and can avoid wasting time in constantly having to wait for people. It also enables us to maintain a far more personal service to our clients. From our experience our groups are normally made up of international groups of individuals, couples and sometimes groups of friends. MONEY AND CURRENCIES Each tour will require different amounts of spending money, depending on the length of the tour and the individual needs of the client. Clients should budget for soft drinks, alcohol, restaurant meals and other items of a personal nature. Credit cards are not generally accepted in countries north of South Africa. Clients are advised to bring spending money in US Dollars and in small denominations. Tipping is part of Africa’s culture, a reward for good service: 10% to 15% is the norm. TRANSPORT AND DISTANCES Hino trucks, Mini busses and Land Cruisers are amongst the vehicles operated on the tour, all chosen for their practicality and reliability. Vehicles seat up to 18 clients, depending on the application. The vehicles are not air-conditioned but are designed with customer safety and comfort in mind. Although the daily distances are well balanced, on certain days distances of up to 800 km are travelled. GUIDES AND INSTRUCTIONS Drifters’ guides are all full-time, professional guides, chosen for their knowledge of the environment, their experience and ability. All guides are registered with the Field Guides Association and Tourism authorities. To ensure the safety and enjoyment of the group, the guide’s instructions must be adhered to. ACCOMMODATION Depending on the tour, accommodation will be provided in tents, lodges, bungalows and rondawels (African style huts). Occasionally you may sleep under the stars. Accommodation is based on twin sharing. Single clients will be paired off with suitable roommates unless a single supplement is paid. When camping, Drifters provide camp beds but for added comfort and insulation clients may wish to bring along an inflatable sleeping mattress. EQUIPMENT, SLEEPING BAGS AND NECESSARY ITEMS All tour equipment including cooking and camping equipment, utensils, plates, tents, chairs and the like are provided. Clients are required to bring sleeping bags, small pillows and towels as well as toiletries and other personal items they may require for the tour. Sleeping bags can be hired/purchased from Drifters but this must be arranged prior to departure. LUGGAGE ALLOWANCE Baggage on all tours is limited to one large bag (barrel bag or internal framed backpack) weighing a maximum of 20kg and a small hand luggage bag or camera bag per person. In order to prevent complications on vehicles, boats and other transportation, this allowance must be adhered to. LAUNDRY A rudimentary laundry service is provided at some overnight stops. This service is only intended as a basic service for clothes and towels. Drifters will not be responsible for any loss damage or destruction incurred when making use of these third party services. SMOKING In accordance with South African legal requirements, smoking will not be permitted in our vehicles or in public spaces. We will however make regular stops for photographs and smoke breaks. VISAS AND BORDERS Although every possible assistance will be offered, it is the client’s sole responsibility to ensure that they have the required visas and paperwork to ensure trouble free border crossings. OPTIONAL ACTIVITIES Various optional activities are available during the course of our tours. These include white water rafting, bungee jumping, quad biking, etc. All of these activities are run by independent operators and Drifters cannot be held responsible should they not be available, or for any loss, damage, illness, injury or death suffered whilst participating in any optional activities and which shall be undertaken at the sole risk of the client. Please Note: Due to the high demand in Gorilla permits for the Uganda tour, the Drifters office will only confirm your tour departure once the permit is secured. Once the Uganda tour booking is confirmed, the Gorilla Permit will be automatically pre-booked and paid for. The guest/s will then be liable for full payment of the permit even if the tour is cancelled. GENERAL No addition to or variation, consensual cancellation, or novation [the substitution of a new contract in place of an old one] of this agreement and no waiver of any right arising from this agreement, shall be of any force or effect unless reduced to writing and signed by an authorised representative of Drifters by means of a handwritten signature. No provision in this agreement shall be interpreted to the disadvantage of any party, by reason of such party having or being deemed to have structured, drafted or introduced such provision/(s) or by reason of the extent to which any party or its professional advisors participated in the preparation of this agreement, and accordingly the rule of interpretation against the draftsman shall not be applied in the interpretation of this agreement. All the terms and conditions contained in this agreement, notwithstanding the manner in which they are grouped together or grammatically linked, are separated and severable from each other, if any term or condition is held to be unenforceable by any law or competent authority, such provision shall be severable from this agreement and shall not affect the remaining clauses, which shall remain of full force and effect. If any such term or condition is or becomes severable from any other term(s) or condition(s), then such severance shall not affect the validity of any other term or condition contained in this agreement. All the information contained in any brochure, catalogue or any website (or which accompanies, or forms part of any offer made by Drifters, is subject to alteration at any time without prior notice and Drifters will not be bound to comply exactly therewith. Drifters shall not be liable for any inaccuracies in any brochures or other information supplied by it and shall not be liable for any accidents or happenings arising out of such faulty information.


5 Days / 4 Nights Kruger Safari Fully Accommodated from Johannesburg. Child Rate: Under 12 years 60% of adult rate. Rates effective 1 January - 31 December 2022. CCANCELLATION PROCEDURE Cancellation of any booking must be received in writing and acknowledged by DRIFTERS. If a booking is cancelled with the consent of DRIFTERS, the latter shall retain the full deposit. Should a person cancel a tour/venture and cannot find an immediate replacement: a) If DRIFTERS has 4 weeks or more notice, only the deposit is forfeited. b) If DRIFTERS has less than 4 weeks notice, the deposit and in addition a cancellation fee will be payable by the client as follows: 27-21 days 40% of total fare 20-14 days 60% of total fare 13-0 days 100% of total fare c) If you fail to join a tour/venture or join it after departure, or leave it prior to its completion, no reimbursement whatsoever will be made. Organized by: Drifter. Rooms are subject to availability.

from 0,00$

Organized by


Member Since 2022

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