Upendo Bus online booking made easy. Upendo Bus travelers coach has been in the transport industry for more than twenty serving passenger from Iringa town to other areas and towns in Tanzania. Upendo online bus ticket booking is safe and saves you time and money.
Upendo bus operators in the following routes in Mainland Tanzania:
• Iringa to Tunduma
• Iringa to Dodoma
• Iringa to Dar es Salaam
• Iringa to Mbeya
• Dar es salaam to Njombe
• Dar es Salaam to Mafinga
Upendo bus has a big number of fleet ranging from a Mini bus to Main coaches, their mini buses are for little distance travel mainly to those nearby towns from Iringa Municipal while the Main coaches are for long distance travel.
Most of their main coaches are Scania Mos model and Chinese bus model; most of the Chinese models are higher buses playing the Njome, Dar es Salaam, Mbeya, and Mafinga routes.
Their mini buses are Fuso bus model and most of them plays the Tunduma, Dodoma, and Mbeya routes from Iringa.
Upendo bus is specialized in passenger transport services with a daily departure in all cities and towns where they have places.
Booking services are accessible at their offices in all terminals as well as from their agents who are accessible in all bus stops.
You can make your online tickets booking also by giving them a call via those contacts listed below.
Upendo Bus
Address: Head office:
P.O.Box 723, Iringa, Tanzania
Address: Dar es Salaam Office:
P.O.Box 762168, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
In 2007 the firm business was spread to include cargo transportation, and hence registration of new name Budget Movers Company limited.
The firm’s head office is placed in Iringa town with key big vehicles service/maintenance yard at Ubungo external in Dar es Salaam, and other branch offices in Njombe and Mbeya.