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Looking for cheap airline ticket from Eldoret to Lodwar or last minute deals?

Search, compare and book cheap airline ticket from Eldoret (EDL) to Lodwar (LOK) online now.

Book cheap flights from Eldoret to Lodwar online with for the best deals. Lodwar, the capital of Turkana County, is placed on the shores of Lake Turkana on the A4 road. Lodwar came into existence around 1933 when a businessman by name Shah Mohammed planned to settle on the banks of the Turkwel River. A trading center developed, medical center, then petro station and late a government prison. Visit Lodwar through great offers on airline ticket from Eldoret to Lodwar and fly Eldoret to Lodwar flights cheap.

Here are some of the best attractions of Lodwar

Lodwar is a famous for its convoluted weaving of baskets and domestic delicacies such as Nyirnyir, Engol and the nature salted fried fish from Lake Turkana. All these unique treats are accessible at most hotels in the area. It is remarkable place for those who are interested in learning the craft of intricate basket weaving.

Hike at the hills in Lodwar

Get to climb on one of the many hills and enjoy wonderful view of Lodwar town and its environs. As you get the hill near to the catholic mission, a colossus of a statue, Turkana rendition of the popular Rios Christo Redentor beckons you. The hike to the top is a pretty easy gentle ascent with staircases leading to the top.

The warm, desert-like climate make Lodwar famous among the adventurous visitors. Nevertheless, reject traveling in the dry, hot, months of the year such as February and January. Lodwar can be top visited in cooler months of July, June and August.

Cheap flights from Eldoret to Lodwar FAQs

What is the flight time between Eldoret and Lodwar?

Oh 30min is the average Eldoret to Lodwar flight time.

How many airlines offer airline ticket from Eldoret to Lodwar direct flights?

There are two airlines offer non-stop cheapest airline ticket from Eldoret to Lodwar.

How many airlines fly Lodwar to Eldoret flights on average per week?

There are twenty cheap flights from Eldoret to Lodwar fly on average per week.

Eldoret to Lodwar flights tips

• The average flying distance from Lodwar to Eldoret is just over 298 km and will take around 30 minutes from the airport to airport.

• Flights from Eldoret to Lodwar in the north are accessible daily. Departure will be from Eldoret Airport which is placed southwest of the center on Kisumu Road, just before the Kapseret Dam.

• There are regular Eldoret to Lodwar flights with two flights per day from Fly540 and Skyward Express.

• The quickest flight time for direct flights from Eldoret to Lodwar is thirty-five minutes. The average flight time is forty minutes.

• The earliest flight of the day departs at 8:20. The final flight of the day departs at 15:00.

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