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Horizon Express Online Bus Ticket Booking

Discover your travel route on web, mobile or app and book cheap Horizon Express bus tickets online now.

Horizon Express online booking made easy. Horizon Express is one of the public transport firms licensed by the Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Agency, the country public utility regulator. The film behind its creation was the high demand of public transport services that prevailed at that time, in relation to the public transport firms that were operating along the routes attaching the Kigali City and Southern provinces. It commenced its operation on the June 23, 2006. You can also do Horizon Express online bus ticket booking.

Horizon Express Online Booking FAQs

What is the routes covered by Horizon Express bus tickets?

•    Kigali to Huye – 2510 frw
•    Kigali to Nyanza – 1670 frw
•    Kigali to Nyamagabe – 3040 frw
•    Kigali to Muhanga – 930 frw
•    Kigali to Ruhango – 1350 frw
•    Huye to Nyamagabe – 510 frw
•    Huye to Muhanga – 1410 frw
•    Nyamagabe to Muhanga – 1900 frw
•    Huye to Nyanza – 670 frw
•    Nyanza to Ruhango – 350 frw
•    Nyanza to Nyamagabe
•    Ruhango to Nyamagabe – 1480
•    Muhanga to Ruhango – 500 frw
•    Nyamagbe to Karambi – 300 frw
•    Huye to Gasarenda – 890 frw
•    Nyamagabe to Gasarenda – 400 frw

The service offered by Horizon Express

There are eighteen ticket sales and booking outlets as well as six branches in Ruhango, Kigali, Huye, Muhanga, Nyanza, and Nyamagabe.
Their vehicles depart every thirty minutes except for Kigali – Muhanga; Muhanga – Kigali routes where vehicles depart every fifteen minutes.

What is the contact details of Horizon Express buses?

Kimisagara Sector, Nyarugenge District, Kigali City, Chez Manu Building, Nyabugogo Boulevard.

Horizon Express Online Bus Ticket Booking Tips

The Horizon Express ltd team of courier service agents is professional and skilled and ready to help you meet your deadlines.

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