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Imani Coaches Online Booking – Nairobi to Mombasa, Kenya

Discover your travel route on web, mobile or app and book cheap Imani Coach bus tickets online now.

Imani Coach online booking made easy. Imani Coaches limited is a Mombasa based bus firm offering daily public intercity services between Mombasa city to other nations in the Coung. They are in the bus industry for about 10 years with a best status among customers. Imani Coaches online booking saving you money and time.

Imani Coaches start with the Mombasa to Chiakargia route where it was leading the route and winning the hearts of passengers. Later on the firm expanded their services to other big cities and towns in Kenya including the Nairobi.

Imani coaches is now among the top bus firms in Kenya with different bus fleet including the ranging from Nissan UD to Scania model bus.

Imani Coach Online Booking, Contacts, Routes & Fares FAQs

What are the fares and routes covered by Imani coaches & buses?

Embu To Mombasa
Departure: 06.00PM
Price: Ksh.1400

Meru To Mombasa
Departure: 04.00PM
Price: Ksh.1400

Isiolo To Mombasa
Departure:  03.00PM
Price: Ksh.1500

Mombasa To Nairobi
Departure:  09.30PM
Price: Ksh.1000

Mwea To Mombasa
Departure:  07.00PM
Price: Ksh.1400

Ishiara To Mombasa
Departure:  05.00PM
Price: Ksh.1400

Kathwana To Mombasa
Departure:  04.30PM
Price: Ksh.1400

Chiakariga To Mombasa
Departure: 04.30PM
Price: Ksh.1500

Tunyai To Mombasa
Departure: 03.30PM
Price: Ksh.1500

Mitunguu To Mombasa
Departure:  03.00PM
Price: Ksh.1500

Chuka To Mombasa
Departure: 05.00PM
Price: Ksh.1400

Nkubu To Mombasa
Departure:  04.30PM
Price: Ksh.1400

What is the contact details of Imani bus online booking & buses?

Majengo, Jomo Kenyatta Rd, Mvita, Kenya

Imani Coaches Online Booking Nairobi to Mombasa, Kenya Tips

Imani coaches service link

Being based in Mombasa City, the firm serves passengers and other customers from the city to other parties in Kenya. They do offer daily services with an affordable prices which can be paid by any person.

Booking of their tickets are accessible on all their offices in Bus terminals and other outside of the terminals. When you have no time to visit their offices for bus booking. You can reach them by making a call via those phones numbers listed at.

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