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JMC Express Online Bus Ticket Booking

Discover your travel route on web, mobile or app and book cheap JMC Express bus tickets online now.

JMC Express online booking made easy. JMC Express bus service is one of the top bus services in Tanzania. Formed in 2007, they have ever since offered their passenger with transportation services between Dar es Salaam and other urban cities in Tanzania via JMC Express Bus bus tickets. Their buses are designed to make their passengers feel relax and enjoy their trip with unique specs for comfort. So do JMC Express online bus ticket booking now!

JMC Express Online Booking FAQs

What is the fares and routes covered by JMC Express buses?

•    Dar es Salaam to Manyoni Tsh 33,000
•    Dar es Salaam to Dodoma Tsh 33,000
•    Dar es Salaam to Singida Tsh 33,000

JMC Express bus fleet

Their Dar es Salaam to Singida route started on the start of 2016 with a fleet from Golden Dragon bus maker of China. They have a luxury and modern fleet which bring hard competitions to their giant rival ABC upper class.

Their buses are designed to make their passengers feel relax and enjoying their tour whenever they travel with JMC bus. You will enjoy the following specs and services while you are on board:

•    Free WiFi services
•    Two by two recleaning seats
•    A/C services all the way long
•    USB port charges
•    Soft drinks
•    TV services
•    Snacks and byes

Are there compartments for luggage in these buses?

Yes, many of the express buses have areas for their passenger luggage. It is anyway, best to keep valuables near to you.

What type of buses make the most stops

Standard buses make many more stops than Express buses and this might cause passengers to spend high time on the road than planned.

What is the contact details of MC Express buses?

P.O.Box 42051, Dar es Salaam,Tanzania

JMC Express Online Bus Ticket Booking Tips

Asides the transportation service, they also carry out courier services and international post services. Bus run from 9:00 am in all routes mainly at Dar es Salaam. The services cut across five big places in Tanzania; Dar es Salaam city, Singida, Dodoma, Morogoro, and Manyoni. They also have fleet from Golden Dragon bus maker of China and offering MC Express Bus online booking. They have a luxury and modern fleet.


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