Bus Booking
Book your bus tickets from any place anytime using any device and pick your seat. Pay with credit/debit cards, bank transfers, M-pesa and mobile money. Get your email, SMS, or printable ticket. Show SMS, email, or printed ticket on your travel date.
No, booking online on Tiketi.com is at no charge, the same as over the counter.
This can be performed at the respective bus firm office.
In case of loss or no verification message received kindly contact our customer care on WhatsApp for help.
Tickets are printed from the bus station office after presentation of the verification SMS.
Kindly check if the seats number captured in the ticket SMS matches the tickets paid for.
Each customer is permitted to book tickets for a highest of up to five seats.
If an M-pesa pop up does not emerge on your phone a text message follows soon with the details on how to make payments through paybill.
Further, for the M-Pesa pop up to emerge a client should update their M-Pesa menu.
It will take less than four minutes to make payments. If a customer takes longer than four minutes, they will have to begin the booking once again to get another valid account number to be capable to make payments.
For booking, we begin with the departure town then place down. There are many pages showing the towns.
eat arrangements depends on the bus firm but far left and far right are window seats.
Tiketi.com helps you find the best bus for you. Match buses, prices, times on 100s of routes anytime, anywhere, easily.
You do not need to register, but it is excellent if you do because you are capable to view your purchased tickets and make booking quicker.
Tiketi.com is a free service. You will get the right same price on Tiketi.com as you will get directly with the bus operators. On Tiketi.com you obtain the same prices and you can match across bus operators anytime, anywhere, easily.
Tiketi.com will send your ticket to your email or SMS.
We accept dozens of payment techniques across Africa including credit cards, debit cards, and mobile Money.
Ticket cancellation is based on the discretion and privacy of bus operators. Please check the process set by the bus operator.
Hundred percent refund will be offered if the bus ride is missed due to error by Tiketi.com. If a missed bus ride is by the reason other than directly matched to Tiketi.com, no refund will be offered.
Kindly check if the seats number captured in the ticket SMS matches the tickets paid for.
Kindly check if the seats number captured in the ticket SMS matches the tickets paid for.
Once you have picked a service, or where applicable, or seat have accepted our terms and conditions of use, you will be needed to pay the indicated fare. You must pay this fare to book your service or seat successfully. The company will not any complaints about tickets where you place a booking for a ticket but neglect or fail to pay the fare necessary to complete the booking process.
The company may change its own discretion from time to time, without informing you revise the fares it changes for the service or ticket.
You agree and acknowledge that where a request for the payment of the fare is denied or returned for whatever reason, by your financial institutions or is unpaid by you for any reason, then you are legally responsible for any costs, including banking charges and fees, linked with the fare.
Tiketi.com may changes its own discretion from time to time, offer several payment gateways to permit you pay the fare necessary to book your ticket or access the services we provide.
Tiketi.com will send you SMS ticket verification or an email after you have successfully paid for the ticket.
In some cases, you may make payment via your favorred payment gateway e.g. Safaricom MPesa services, but due to technical issues, the payment gateway that you have used fails to send payment instructions to Tiketi.com. You should forever contact Tiketi.com in case you have paid for ticket, received email verification or SMS from the payment gateway but you have not received ticket verification from the company.
Please contact Tiketi.com via email support@tiketi.com or telephone number, if you have not got your SMS or email ticket verification after successful payment
We will not refund you for any tickets lost, or journey you miss. It is your liability alone to make sure your ticket is safe and secure and that you make to the terminus in time for your journey. You may contact your transport provider to replace ticket details, cancel ticket or request for any alteration. Tiketi.com is not liable for any alterations that you have made after buying the ticket from Tiketi.com platform.
We will refund you within 14 working days, after contacting the company, if it turns out the seat you booked was already allocated to another passenger at the time you reserved it. We will not pay any penalty or interest over and above the fare were fund.