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Online Bus Ticket Booking Senegal

Discover your travel route on web, mobile or app and book cheap bus tickets in Senegal online now.

There are many modern transportation choices accessible in Senegal, and visitors should not find them unfamiliar. Trains, taxis, and bus tickets in Senegal are the most general ways of getting around but here we discuss on travelling by bus and how to do online bus ticket booking Senegal.

Bus Travel in Senegal

Buses are very general, as well, and link all the cities in Senegal. They are extremely reasonably priced, but are slow. Buses in Dakar are run by Dakar Demn Dik. Mini buses are used as well, both within a city and between cities. So book cheap bus tickets in Senegal now.

Dakar Dem Dikk buses are a pretty best way of traveling cheaply. There are several links to the town center, fare costs between CFA300 and CFA150. They are pretty reliable and only crammed full during active hour. In downtown northeast of Place de l’Indépendance is a helpful DDD bus Terminal.

Most frequent but less user-friendly are the iconic blue-yellow car rapides and Ndiaga Ndiaye minivans, Dakar crammed, battered, and dangerously driven symbols of identify. Unless you know your way around, it is difficult to find out where they are going. They stop suddenly and randomly, anyway you can do Senegal online bus ticket bookings first.


For transportation on very little distances, you can catch a horse or donkey drawn wooden cart known as charrette. They tend to be a bit bumpy and rough on your backside but can be a perfect relaxed way to get around. They are also affordable. They are a best choice in little towns and villages.

The main bus operators in Senegal bus booking

Niokolo Transports

To get to Bakel, Kolda, Tamba, or Kedougou, you can do no better than Niokolo transports. The buses are the prompt, relax, and reliable.  So bookings shuttle and bus tickets in Senegal is simple. Anyway, you should reserve and pay for your tickets a day in advance.

Other professional transport options

There are several other expert transport options that travel to some of the farther places, notably Bakel, Kedougou, and Tambacounda. Ensure to check out company website or advance book shuttle and bus tickets in Senegal.

Online Bus Ticket Booking Senegal Tips

Here are the tips and tricks for online bus booking Senegal transportation:

• As forever, carry money in different places.

• Do not put anything expensive in the outside pockets of your bags, they are the simplest to get into.

• Pay focus to your bags, mainly when other bags are being unloaded or loaded after leaving the garage. Extremely few thefts happen while bags are placing in garage vehicles. Thieves are generally more afraid of the men in charge of the garage systems than they are of the police.


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