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Cheap Bus Tickets from Marrakech to Essaouira Online Booking

Discover your travel route on web, mobile or app and book cheap bus ticket from Marrakech to Essaouira online now.

Compare and book the best deals on cheap bus from Marrakech to Essaouira bus tickets online and travel Marrakech to Essaouira by road. A wonderful seaside fishing city in the touristy area of Marrakech, Essaouira attracts a lot of annually visitors, including the production of Games of Thrones who used the amazing city as a backdrop in some episodes. Rich in history, which can be seen mainly in its attractive coastal ramparts, and full of culture, popular in particular for its music, Essaouira has a variety of relaxing and fun things to do and see. You can visit Essaouira by booking a bus Marrakech to Essaouira online now. Here is the guide how you can book bus tickets from Marrakech to Essaouira:

Bus from Marrakech to Essaouira Bus Tickets Booking, Routes, Schedules & Fares FAQs

What is the affordable way to get from Marrakesh to Essaouira?

The affordable way to get from bus Marrakech to Essaouira which costs $6 -$12 and takes 3h.

Is there a direct travel bus Marrakech to Essaouira?

Yes, there is a bus Marrakech airport Essaouira. Services depart every 4 hours, and operate every day. The journey takes about 3h.

How far is it from Marrakesh to Essaouira by bus?

The travel distance of Marrakesh and Essaouira by bus is 168 km.

Where do I take the Marrakesh to Essaouira bus from?

Cheap bus tickets from Marrakech to Essaouira services, operated by cheap bus tickets from Marrakech to Essaouira Supra Tours.

Can I drive by myself or bus Marrakech to Essaouira?

Yes, the distance of driving between Marrakech to Essaouira by road is 183 km. It takes about 2h 20m to drive yourself or your can bus Marrakech to Essaouira.

Bus Tickets from Marrakech to Essaouira Tips

Sidi Mohammad Ben Abdellah Museum

This museum was named after the founder of the city, and is housed in a nineteen century mansion. Showing historical artifacts, from very old pottery to jewellery, it pays amazing homage to the city’s rich history and is renowned for being the top museum in the city. Visitors can appreciate not just the wonderful architecture of the building in which is placed, but the sheer range of items within that still retain so much of their real beauty.

Water sports

Essaouira beaches are prime locations for kitesurfing and windsurfing amongst other water sports. With Essaouira benefiting from powerful winds all year round,  but mainly in summer and with a big swell in winter, the inexperienced and the experienced flock from here to try their hand at a fresh extreme activity. With city being a perfect place for these sports, there are lots of surf shops and surfing schools.

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