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Looking for cheap airline ticket from Dar es Salaam to Kampala or last minute deals?

Search, compare and book cheap airline ticket from Dar es Salaam (DAR) to Kampala (KLA) online now.

Compare and book cheap flights from Dar es Salaam to Kampala online and save time and money. Kampala City has different attractions, many are historical, such as Kasubi tombs burial place for Kings of Buganda known as Kabaka. Big thatched house in form of a hut remarkable in very old architecture, could be matched with Egyptian pyramid. You can visit Kampala through great offers on airline ticket from Dar es Salaam to Kampala and fly Dar Es Salaam to Kampala flights cheap.

Cheap Flights from Dar es Salaam to Kampala FAQs

How long does the Dar Es Salaam to Kampala flights?

When flying direct, expect to fly Dar es Salaam to Kampala for approximately two hours. The travel distance is about 671 kilometers.

How many cheapest flights from Dar Es Salaam to Kampala depart on average per day?

Per day, two flights depart from Dar es Salaam to Kampala on average.

• Morning – fifty percent of flight departures

• Afternoon – fifty percent of flight departures

How long does it take to fly Dar es Salaam to Kampala?

The average Dar Es Salaam to Kampala flight time is an hour and fifty minutes.

How common are direct flights Dar Es Salaam to Kampala?

There are seven direct from flights Dar es Salaam to Kampala.

What are the most famous Dar es Salaam airlines for cheap airline ticket from Dar es Salaam to Kampala?

Utair Express offers hundred percent of the non-stop flights between Kampala and Dar es Salaam.

Dar es Salaam to Kampala flights Tips

Here are some of the best attractions of the city:

Kabaka palace

Kabaka palace is one of them most oldest Africa kingdoms which has been established for many centuries.


Jinja is placed just 54 miles east of Kampala. It is the source of the river Nile and provides some of the most amazing activities such as jet cruising, horse riding, horse riding and white water rafting. Be sure to visit the Ishasha plains to view one of the 2 places in the planet where it is possible to view climbing lions.

Shopping malls

Many special modern shopping Malls have been set up as such as Garden City Mall, Kasumba Square Mall, Quality Mall, Lugoogo Mall, Nakumatt Oasis, etc. placed in extremely conductive environment surrounded with best atmosphere unlike Malls in down town Kampala which are  affected by pollution, traffic and congestion.

Lake Victoria

Kampala city has more than twenty hills, placed close to Lake Victoria and has best natural atmosphere. People are hot, calm and friendly. Drinking joints are in every corner.
Kampala has been honored for holding the common wealth games of 2006 the city is generally known as a peaceful due to successful measures in place of terror alert in accordance to international laws.

en_ZAEnglish (South Africa)