Looking for cheap airline ticket from Kiba, Beho Beho, Mbuyu, Matambwe, Sumbazi, Stieglers and Siwandu or last minute deals?

Search, compare and book cheap airline ticket from Dar es Salaam (DAR) to Selous Game Reserve online now.

Compare and book cheap flights from Dar es Salaam to Selous Game Reserve online and save time and money. It is Africa’s biggest game reserve, yet visited by few. Meandering through the woodlands and plains, the Rufij River gives rise to a labyrinth of stream,  pretty lakes and channels in a delicate water paradise. You can visit Selous through great offers on airline ticket from Kiba, Beho Beho, Mbuyu, Matambwe, Sumbazi, Stieglers and Siwandu and fly Dar es Salaam to Selous flights cheap.

Cheap Flights from Dar es Salaam to Selous Game Reserve FAQs

What is the flight distance and flight time between Dar es Salaam to Selous flight?

There are a few direct Dar es Salaam to Selous flight – Sumbazi route each week with flights accessible on this route from both Coastal Aviation and Auric Air. Fly Dar es Salaam to Selous flying time is around three hours and thirty minutes in order to cover the 400-kiloemters distance.

Which airlines fly Dar es Salaam to Selous flight?

The majority of Selous safaris are actually fly-in packages starting in Dar es Salaam. Point of entry into Tanzania is the Julies Nyerere International Airport found on the outskirts of the Dar es Salaam. Generally, you will be picked up from the airport, and he will manage all of your other ground operations plus local flights.

Landing strips on airline ticket from Kiba, Beho Beho, Mbuyu, Matambwe, Sumbazi, Stieglers and Siwandu

• Cheap airline ticket from Dar es Salaam to Selous is one way to reach Selous. The Dar es Salaam to Selous flights cheap takes approximately 2-3-5 hours, depending on your landing strip. There are lots of landing strips accessible in Selous and you can pick to land on

• any of them, depending on where actually you want to go. Some of the strips contain Kiba, Beho Beho, Mbuyu, Matambwe, Sumbazi, Stieglers, Siwandu, and Mtemere. The Selous to Dar es Salaam flights distance depends on which strip you want to land on.

Dar es Salaam to Selous Game Reserve Flights Tips

Here are some of the best attractions of Selous:

Stiegler’s Gorge

Stieglers Gorge, which averages hundred meter in depth, is named after  Swiss explorer who was killed here by an elephant in 1907. It has more recently gained focus as the place of a planned huge hydroelectric power station.

Selous Grave

THE Grave of explorer and hunter Frederick Courteney Selous, who was killed in this place in 1917.

Wildlife of Selous Game Reserve

This is a plentiful game in the reserve, with Africa’s biggest lion and buffalo populations, numerous leopard and thriving packs of wild dog. Zebra, wildebeest, hartebeest, greater kudu, and eland are all general. In the heat of the afternoon, herds of over 50 giraffe drink from the lakes, whilst elephant herds cross the channels to the green islands.

The day’s activities tend to target on traveling by boat or walking, with overnight accommodation in simple dome tents, with warm bucket showers rigged in trees and green bush dinners set out at the water’s edge.

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