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Nyamira Express Online Bus Ticket Booking

Discover your travel route on web, mobile or app and book cheap Nyamira Express bus tickets online now.

Nyamira Express online booking made easy. Myamira Express is one of the most famous bus company serving the Nairobi to migori and Kisii routes via Nyamira Express Nairobi To Kisii online booking. The owner of the buses is famous to be Julius mokay a ong era. So do Nyamira Express online bus ticket booking now!

Nyamira Express Online Booking, Bus Tickets, Routes & Fares FAQs

What is the timings and routes covered by Nyamira Express buses?

The firm has transport routes within Kenya. The routes wherein this bus runs are Migori, Kisii, Nyamira and Nairobi. The passengers generally book Nyamira Express Nairobi bus tickets in their destinations and they also have the chance to book their Nyamira Express Nairobi To Kisii online booking tickets.

Nyamira Express fleet

One of their top route of Nairobi to Nyamira, the firm has purchased new Isuzu buses.

The Scania model has long dominated its fleet since the founding of the transport firm. Most of their buses have two by three seating arrangement which rank them to general level buses.

They have few on board fun matched to other bus firms and all of their buses are local made within Kenya.

They also transfer parcels to all of their places wherein their buses reach. Though this is not an official category of buses to this firm but people are enjoying safe transfer of their parcels in Kenya.

What is the contact details of Nyamria Express booking office & buses?

Nyamira Luxury Express Ltd.
Kisii – Migori Highway, Kisii, Kenya

Nyamira Express Online Bus Ticket Booking Tips

Many people favor this firm of buses because their services are best. Their fares are affordable.

The bus firm has been dominant for years. The bus is designed for 5 passengers in a row. The firm has purchased new isuzu buses. The buses have two by three seats arrangements which rank them to general level buses.

The buses carries a highest number of 52 passengers, they are being served well and taken care as per the firm orders.
The firm of the buses is on going to make transition. They are about to buy new buses known as scania to overtake Isuzu.

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