Cheap Bus Tickets from Kumasi to Accra Online Booking

Discover your travel route on web, mobile or app and book cheap bus ticket from Kumasi to Accra online now.

Do cheap bus from Kumasi to Accra bus tickets online booking and travel Kumasi to Accra by road. Kumasi is the capital city of the Ashanti area, a very vital and historical center of Ghana. Tradition is held very high in Kumasi and blends extremely well with modernity. There is a big range of attractions in Kumasi. The Manhyia Palace, the seat of the King of Ashanti and members of the royal family is placed in the northern part of the city. Here is the guide how you can take bus tickets from Kumasi to Accra:

Rolling green hills and a big central market as vibrant as any setting in the area surrounds Kumasi. The big attraction of the city is the National Cultural center, just few minutes’ walk from the market. The complex comprises of an amazing museum of Ashanti history, a famous library, remarkable craft shop and an exhibition hall.

Bus from Kumasi to Accra, Bus Tickets, Routes, Schedules & Fares FAQs

What is the affordable way to get from Kumasi to Accra?

The affordable way to get Kumasi to Accra by bus. Kumasi to Accra bus fare $8 and takes 4h 29m.

Is there a nonstop bus Kumasi to Accra?

Yes, there is a nonstop bus departing from Accra and arriving at Kumasi. Kumasi to Accra bus services depart every 2 hours, and operate every day. The journey takes about 4h 30m.

What is the travel distance of Kumasi to Accra by bus?

The travel distance of Accra and Kumasi is 202 km. The road distance of bus Kumasi to Accra is 250.2km.

How do I travel from Kumasi to Accra without a personal vehicle?

The top way to get from Kumasi to Accra without a vehicle is to bus which takes 4h 30m and costs $8.

Where do I take the Kumasi to Accra bus from?

Bus Kumasi to Accra services, run by Intercity STC coaches, depart from Accra station.

Fly or bus Kumasi to Accra?

The top way to get from Kumasi to Accra is to fly which takes 52 min and costs $30 – $90. Alternatively, you can bus Kumasi to Accra, cheap bus tickets from Kumasi to Accra takes 4h 30m.

Cheap Bus Tickets from Kumasi to Accra Tips

In Kumasi, the wet season is mostly cloudy and oppressive, the dry season is partly cloudy and muggy, and it is warm year around. Over the course of the year, the temperature generally varies from 68F to 95 F and is rarely below 62 F or above 100 F.

The best time to visit Kumasi is for warm weather activities is from mid November to late January.
