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Cheap Bus Tickets from Mombasa to Zanzibar Online Booking

Discover your travel route on web, mobile or app and book cheap bus ticket from Mombasa to Zanzibar online now.

Compare and do cheap bus from Mombasa to Zanzibar bus tickets booking online and travel Mombasa to Zanzibar by road. The paradise island of Zanzibar drifts in the Indian Ocean just twenty-five kilometers from the wild shores of Tanzania. From wandering the dynamic wooden stalls of Stone Towns market scene to stretching out on the white paradise sands, here is the idea how to book bus tickets from Mombasa to Zanzibar:

Bus from Mombasa to Zanzibar Bus Tickets Booking, Routes, Schedules & Fares FAQs

Is the Mombasa to Zanzibar bus the affordable way to get to Zanzibar city from Mombasa?

The affordable way to get to Zanzibar city from Mombasa is ferry and bus tickets from Mombasa to Zanzibar which costs $45 – $95 and takes 12h 25m.

What is the quickest way to get from Mombasa to Zanzibar City?

The fastest way to get from Mombasa to Zanzibar city is to fly which costs $150 – $500 and takes 58m.

How do I travel from Zanzibar and Momsasa city without a personal vehicle?

The top way to get to Zanzibar City from Mombasa without a car is to ferry and bus Mombasa to Zanzibar which takes 12h 25m and costs $45 – $100.

What is the distance between Zanzibar and Mombasa?

The distance between Zanzibar and Mombasa city is 240 km.

How long is the flight from Zanzibar and Mombasa?

The fastest flight form Mombasa Airport to Zanzibar airport is the direct flight which takes forty minutes.

Bus Tickets from Mombasa to Zanzibar Tips

From the moment you touch down on the runway and take in the remarkable views of the glittering waters and hear the trader cries from Stone Town, you know you are in for an adventure. Zanzibar is overflowing with sounds and sights that will ignite the spirit of traveling in any visitor. Amass with rich food, culture and alive with historical interest there is so much to view and do.
