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Cheap Bus Tickets from Marrakech to Fes Online Booking

Discover your travel route on web, mobile or app and book cheap bus ticket from Marrakesh to Fes online now.

Save time and money and book cheap bus from Marrakech to Fes online now and travel Marrakech to Fes by road. Fes is one of the beautiful cities of Morocco, and house to the oldest university of all time, Al Quaraouiyine Mosque. Anyway, there are lots of more things to do in Fez than just visit the University or the tanneries. You can visit this city by booking a cheap bus tickets from Marrakech to Fes online now.

Bus from Marrakech to Fes Bus Tickets Booking, Routes, Schedules & Fares FAQs

What is the affordable way to get from Marrakesh to Fes?

The affordable way to get from bus Marrakesh to Fes. Buses from Marrakech to Fes costs $22 – $28 and takes 9h 15m.

What is the travel distance from Marrakesh to Fes by bus?

The travel distance of Marrakesh to Fes by bus is 396 km. Marrakech to Fes bus fare $22 – $28.

Fly, train or bus  Marrakech to Fes?

The excellent way to get from Marrakesh to Fes is to fly which takes 2h 40m and costs $190 – $390. Alternatively, you can train, which costs $26 – $40 and takes 6h 52m, you could also take bus Marrakech to Fes airport and bus Marrakech Fes timetable takes 8h 30m.

Can I drive by myself or bus Marrakesh to Fes?

Yes, the distance of driving between Marrakesh to Fes by road is 546 km. It takes about 5h 25m to drive from Marrakesh to Fes.

Bus Tickets from Marrakech to Fes Tips

Here are some of the best attractions of the city:

Fes el Bali

For shoppers, Fes el Bali is a paradise of domestic craftwork, with colorful Moroccan slippers, metalwork, leatherwork, rainbow-glass lamps, and tiles all showed at stalls all through the area.

Jnan sbil

This calm oasis, once an imperial garden, is somewhat you can enjoy the take, sound of fruits trees and birds to get away from the busy medina.

Al Quaraouiyine Mosque

The oldest university in the planet, built in 857 AD. You would not be capable to stop inside if you are non-Muslim, but you can get a remarkable view from close by rooftop terraces.


Although it is no longer house to the Jewish community, you can still view its rich history through the synagogues and architecture.

Dar Batha

This Museum is house to woodcarvings, embroidery, iron work, jewelry and carpets inspired from the Hispano-Moorish age in Morocco.

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