Looking for cheap airline ticket from Dar es Salaam to Selous Mtemere or last minute deals?

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Book cheap flights from Dar es Salaam to Selous Mtemere online and save time and money. This is a wonderful park in Tanzania as well as Africa, and the second biggest in the planet covering an area of 45,000 km2. What are you waiting for, book great offers on airline ticket from Dar es Salaam to Selous Mtemere online now and fly Dar es Salaam to Selous Mtemere flights cheap.

Here are some of the best attractions of Selous

This is the enormous park in Tanzania, and the second biggest in the world covering an area of 45,000 km2. Its place is almost to the south of Tanzania. River Rufiji is a famous river that are found inside the park and used to locate the park. There is guessed to be over a million animals in the park, which is probably top known for its big numbers of elephants. There are also rhinos among other animals that you are likely to view including hippos, lions, buffalos, crocodiles and African wild dogs, while over four-hundred species of birds have been introduced while contain kingfishers, fish eagles, herons, various waterfowls and birds of prey. Other attractions contain the Stieglers Gorge, Rufiji River. You can also view and see the beauty of Selous Reserve by foot and by boat aside the use of road. You can travel through Dar es Salaam – Kibiti – Mkongo road. Kibi is the final place you will be capable to get petrol. It is then thirty km from Kibiti to Mkongo, where a west turning will take you on to the end 75km to Mtemere gate.

Cheap Flights from Dar es Salaam to Selous Mtemere FAQs

How many airlines offer airline ticket from Dar es Salaam to Selous Mtemere direct?

Airline ticket from Dar es Salaam to Selous Mtemere can be booked online with several airlines which fly Dar es Salaam to Selous Mtemere, including Safari Air link, Auric Air, and Coastal Aviation.

What airport serve cheap flights from Dar es Salaam to Selous Mtemere?

Most safaris to Selous – Mtemere are fly-in plans from Dar es Salaam. The entry point for most tourists to the country will be Julius Nyerere International Airport just outside Dar es Salaam.

What is the average Dar es Salaam to Selous Mtemere flight time?

Flights last around forty-five minutes from Dar es Salaam to Selous Mtemere flights and it is possible to fly to/from Zanzibar and other areas in Tanzania.

What is the distance between Selous Game reserve and Dar es Salaam?

Selous Game Reserve is 278 km from Dar es Salaam Intl Airport.

Dar es Salaam to Selous Mtemere Flights Tips

• Currently, thirty-six airlines operate out of Dar es Salaam Intl Airport. • Dar es Salaam Intl. Airport provides nonstop flights to twenty-nine cities. • Every week, almost  230 local flights and 170 worldwide flights depart from Dar es Salaam Intl Airport.
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