Do cheap bus from Addis Ababa to Shashemene bus tickets online booking and travel Addis Ababa to Shashemene by road. Shashamane is a town in Aanaa in Oromia region, West Arsi Zone, Ethiopia. The 2007 nation census reported a full population for this town is 100,455, of whom 50,655 were men and 49,900 were women. Here is the guide of how to book bus tickets from Addis Ababa to Shashemene:
The travel distance of Addis Ababa to Shashemene bus is 210 km.
Yes, the driving distance of bus Addis Ababa to Shashemene is 231 km. it takes about 3h 35 m to drive from Addis Ababa to Shashemene?
The fastest way to travel from Adidas Ababa to Shashemene is fly and bus which takes 3h 35m.
The affordable way to go by bus from Addis Ababa to Shashemen. Cheap bus tickets from Addis Ababa to Shashemene $40 – $70.
The local timezone is named Africa/Adidas Ababa with an UTC offset of three hours. The nearest airport in Ethiopia is Bole International Airport in a distance of fifteen mi (or 23 Km), North, besides the airports, there are other travel choices accessible.
There is one UNESCO world heritage place. Its Tiya is a distance of 24 mi South.
The best time to visit Addis Ababa to Shashemenē by bus is from January until december, when you will have a pleasant or hot temperature and restrict till little rainfall. The highest average temperature is Shashemene is 27 C in February, and the minimum is 22 C in July.
Shashemene has two types of climate prevailing, namely the tropical savanna climate and sea climate.