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Looking for cheap airline ticket from Zanzibar to Dar es Salaam or last minute deals?

Search, compare and book cheap airline ticket from Zanzibar (ZNZ) to Dar es Salaam (DAR) online now.

Book cheap flights from Zanzibar to Dar es Salaam online and save money on airfare. The amazing commercial center of Tanzania, Dar es Salaam is a wonderful, working city that a raw energy to it unmatched by any other big metropolis in East Africa. You can visit Addis Ababa through great offers on flight tickets from Zanzibar to Dar es Salaam. Compare prices and get the lowest airfare on airline ticket from Zanzibar to Dar es Salaam through great offers on Zanzibar to Dar es Salaam flights online ticket booking.

Here are some of the best attractions of Dar es Salaam

Tanzania center cultural heritage

This is the location to sort out some souvenirs for your family and friends. There is a big range of high standard products. The prices are higher than in domestic markets. The benefit is that it is simpler to find good items, without having to spend a lot of time. Because it is on the way to the airport, it makes a best sopping place for last minute shopping of domestic products before heading back.

Lutheran Church

In case you are wondering about the building architecture, Azania front Lutheran Church was built back in 1898 by German missionaries. Currently, it is one of Dar Es Salaam landmark, it is still used for choir rehearsals and services. Late afternoon the service is generally in English.

Coco Beach

Placed on Msasani peninsula, Coco Beach is a best weekend place among the locals. The beach transforms into a food market with beer and coconut offered at many stands. If you arrive there during low tide, you would not be capable to swim, but Coco Beach is still a perfect location to hang out giving one the chance to also interact with locals.

Cheap flights from Zanzibar to Dar es Salaam FAQs

How far is Zanzibar to Dar es Salaam flights?

The distance from Zanzibar to Dar es Salaam flights is 72 kilometers.

How long is the Zanzibar to Dar es Salaam flight time?

The average Zanzibar to Dar es Salaam flight time is twenty-four minutes.

How common are flight between Zanzibar and Dar es Salaam direct?

There are 306 direct from Zanzibar to Dar es Salaam flights.

What are the most famous Zanzibar airlines for cheap airline ticket from Zanzibar to Dar es Salaam direct?

Coastal Aviation offers thirty-four percent of the non-stop flights between Dar es Salaam and Zanzibar.

Zanzibar to Dar es Salaam flights tips

• Dar es Salaam, Tanzania is forty-five miles from Zanzibar Island

• There are 39 daily flights between Zanzibar to Dar es Salaam.

• There are 43 weekly flights from Zanzibar to Dar es Salaam direct flights.

• Regional Air has the most direct flights between Zanzibar and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

• Nairobi, Kenya – Jomo Kenyatta Intl is the most famous link for one stop flights between Zanzibar and Dar es Salaam.
