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How to Buy a SIM Card in Rwanda

You should share your experience of Rwanda through internet. Anyway, you would be better off obtaining a Rwandan SIM card for the reason that roaming can be costly in many cases, which is why many visitors favor best sim card for Rwanda. Here’s a guide on how to get a sim card in Rwanda:

Which is the best mobile network in Rwanda?

Finding a simple card is simple and the process is quite easy.

There are 3 tell communication in Rwanda currently:


•    MTN has the biggest coverage and best network via their data is more costly matched to Airtel which has the best data rates.
•    Though I will still advise MTN for the following reasons.
•    It has the top coverage.
•    You can use the mtn sim card Rwanda outside Rwanda since MTN is accessible in many African nations. When outside Rwanda you can use Ding or Ezetop to top up.
•    Tip: if you want to use Facebook it is the excellent sim card for you. MTN provides free Facebook for 7 days after you active your Sim card.
•    Rwanda internet simcard: RWF 65 per MB during the day and RWF 30 per mb at night.

Airtel and Tigo

•    Their coverage is lower matched to MTN but they have some of the top deals.
•    Personally, I would advise Tigo for people who need to many calls and Airtel for visitors who use data heavily and are staying within big towns and cities in Rwanda. The standard rate for mango sim card Rwanda and Airtel data is RWF 50 per mb.

How to get a Sim Card in Rwanda

•    You can simply find sim cards all over Kigali.
•    Network providers have to get your personal detail before registering your Sim card so you must have your passport.
•    They will also get a copy of your passport so carry a copy in as you go to get your Sim card.
•    After the attendant fills out your details on the PC, they will give a blank form to fill out your details.
•    Average the full process of registering a Sim card takes thirty minutes.
•    Prepaid sim card in Rwanda costs: $1.5
•    Note: Every passport holder is just permitted to get one Sim card.

How to by international Sim Card in Rwanda

International SIM cards, as the name identifies, SIM cards for international use. Well, that does not describe anything. Although most providers permit you to use card abroad,  some actually limit this possibility. An international SIM card let you go abroad without having to replace SIM cards when visiting multiple places. They have been  produced with the visitor in mind.

All this sounds wonderful, but international sim card Rwanda  are much more costly than local SIM cards in Rwanda. Not only that, some provide bad service as well for high rates. Some reputable firms I know are Sim Options, OneSimCard, Surfoam, SimCorner and BNESIM.

International SIM cards are attractive to those who travel frequently or you are visiting multiple places in one trip. Many nations in Africa need you to register before you can use a Prepaid sim card in Rwanda, which can be a problem for some. Further, the language barrier may be off-putting to some visitors, which is why an international SIM card can be handy. You order it you depart and can use it in different destinations.

Rwanda sim card price & travel tips

Rwanda is known for its savannahs, deep valleys, and its nature and wildlife in general.

Kigali, the Rwanda capital, has the Kimironko market, which is a market you have to visit. They also have the Genocide Memorial Kigali, which is a place honoring the Rwandan genocide victims.
