Do cheap bus from Abuja to Benin City bus online booking and save time and money. If you are interested to explore the Benin history, one amazing and extraordinary museum is the Abomey which is referred to as the Royal City, the capital of Dan-Home, and is called as the very old Kingdom. It has one of the most stunning museums of Africa. The craftsmen and artists weavers, woodcarvers, jewellers, brass works and iron are popular far beyond the boundaries of the Republic of Benin. Here is the guide on how to book bus tickets from Abuja to Benin City:
The travel distance of Abuja to Benin City bus is 366 km.
The top way to get from Abuja to Benin city without a car is to bus which takes 6h 58m and costs $130 – $160.
Yes, the driving distance between Benin City and Abuja is 462 km. it takes about 6h 59m to drive from Abuja to Benin City.
The affordable way to get from Abuja to Benin City by bus. Cheap bus tickets from Abuja to Benin City $130 – $160 and takes 6h 58m.
Visitors can also try visiting another museum, the Quidah called as Whydah in English, the Museum City. Quidah knows the Western invasion with the earliest Portuguese, Danish, English and French posts or strongholds. It is amazing to view and discover the remains of the very old haven from which slaves were boarded and shipped to USA. The special Porto Novo provides a best experience. This is the City with 3 names (Hogbonou, Porto Novo, Adjatche). It is the administrative capital of Benin, right in the center of the Yoruba land.