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How to pay for things in Morocco

Looking for the best way to pay for things in Morocco?

Here are payment methods in Morocco and how to make online payments in Morocco. What is the best way to pay for things in Morocco?

Offline, mobile and online payments in Morocco

Best way to pay for things in Morocco

Banks and ATMS

Bank and cash machines are found all through the city, but the best places to find them is in the city’s Gueliz, key square Jemaa el-Fnaa, the fresh part of Marrakech.

How to pay

The top way to save on commissions is to pay whenever possible with your credit card. If you pay by card the exchange rate is very low, depending on the card issuer, the highest fee is one percent.

Using travellers cheques

Travellers cheques are not largely accepted in Morocco. You will struggle to find a bank that will replace them for you, and the fees that apply can be pretty steep. If you have them and need to make an exchange regardless of cost, a big hotel might be capable to help you out.

It is probably the top to pick substitute technique of payment for this trip, like a mix of ATM withdrawals and debit card payments.

Payment methods in Morocco with credit cards

Credit cards are increasingly accepted at top-end and midrange tourist restaurants and hotels and also as preferred online payment methods in Morocco. Debit and credit cards are not largely used outside of the cities and tourist resorts in Morocco. Anyway, in high-end establishments you should not have an issue paying with your card, via American Express is not generally accepted. Anywhere else, it is best to carry cash in case you come across a retailer that cannot take card payments.

If you get stuck, use one of the ATM locators in the next section to find a close by bank machine to withdraw some cash.

Online payments in Morocco

Cash payments
Domestic cards
International credit card
Debit cards
Bank transfers

Offline, mobile and online payments in Morocco tips

The official currency of Morocco is the Dirham Moroccan, designed by MAD or Dhs. The plural type of Dirham is darahim, although in English “dirhams” is largely accepted.

Morocco has the following banknotes: 200dhs, 100dhs, 50dhs, and 20dhs.

Exchanging currency in Morocco

You can exchange your pounds or dollars to dirham at the airport when you land or at Bureau de change or hotel at your location. Try to reject the airport if possible as the rates are generally much worse. Ensure you keep your transaction receipt to exchange back any leftover notes.

An excellent choice is to withdraw cash from an ATM. Using a prepaid travel card. Prepaid card mean you only withdraw what you need which keeps you exchanging notes back at the end.
