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Tashriff Luxury Coach Online Bus Ticket Booking

Discover your travel route on web, mobile or app and book cheap Tashriff bus tickets online now.

Tashriff Luxury Coach online booking made easy. Tashriff Luxury Coach is a Tanga based intercity bus which have been in the industry for more than thirty years now. It is one among the earliest bus company to serve customers between Dar es Salaam and Tanga city through Chalinze. Tashriff Luxury Coach online bus ticket booking saving you time and money.

Tashriff Luxury Coach Online Booking, Bus Tickets, Schedule & Fare FAQs

What is the famous routes covered by Tashriff Luxury Coach online booking?

•    Tanga to Arusha via Moshi
•    Tanga to Dar es Salaam
•    Tanga to Dodoma via Morogoro
•    Dar es Salaam to Singida
•    Tanga to Mtwara via Dar es Salaam
•    Tanga to Masasi
•    Tanga to Ifakara

Tashriff Luxury Coach Fleet

At the time when the bus company was established, they were using Scania bus model with domestically assembled bodies. Due to the development of modernization and technology, they are have invested much in Golden Dragon, Chinese Yutong, and Few Scania busess.

They are buses are of luxury and semi luxury classes and some of them with VIP section at the front of the bus starting from the middle place. The VIP section fares is different from the rest part on the same bus.

Most of their buses have two by two seating arrangement and few of them being a VIP seaters with two by one arrangement. All of their buses have an A/C service via some of them does not keep A/C working.

On board fun are accessible on their buses from a 6 LCD TV and sound system fitted on each bus seat. Their buses also have charging system and free WiFi on each seat.

What is the contact details of Tashriff online booking service and buses?

Gofu Chini Road, Tanga, Tanzania
Dar Es Salaam

Tashriff Luxury Coach Online Bus Ticket Booking Tips

Upon its establishment Tashriff luxury coach were using domestic ordinary bus despite their name calling them a luxury coach.

They have started with 1 route of Tanga to Dar es Salaam at the time when the firm established. At the moment the firm expanded their services by increases other many routes with Tanzania mainly the southern and central regions.
